
Microbial Interations

  Biological   Interactions With the development of microbial communities, the demand for nutrients and space also increases. As a result, there has been a development of different strategies to enable microorganisms to persist in an environment. Cell–cell interactions may produce cooperative effects where one or more individuals benefit, or competition between the cells may occur with an adverse effect on one or more species in the environment. The nature and magnitude of interaction will depend on the types of microorganism present as well as the abundance of the microorganisms and types of sensory systems of the individual organisms. Classification of microbial interactions   In addressing microbe–microbe interactions, it is important to determine whether the interaction is between cells of different genera or within the same species. Various types of interaction of a microorganism with another microorganism and sp

Soil Testing: Its importance and benefits

In modern agriculture, soil testing is the most important practise to manage fertiliser application and crop production. Without soil testing, it is very difficult to ensure the right application of fertilisers for the crop and get the optimum yield. What is soil testing? The process by which elements such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulphur, manganese, copper and zinc are chemically removed from the soil and measured for their available content within the sample of soil is called Soil Testing. This is an important diagnostic tool for determining the nutrient for plants. What are the objectives of soil testing? The Objectives of Soil Testing are: To evaluate the fertility and nutrient status of soil for providing an index of nutrient availability or supply in a given soil. Determination of acidity, salinity and alkalinity problems. To provide a recommendation on the amount of manure and fertilizer based on soil test value and according to crop. To avoid exce